
She has chubby cheeks !

The ultrasound today went pretty good beside Baby Girl hiding in the belly. We got a few good 2D pictures, but when they tried to do the 3D ultrasound, you couldn't see her!... we could only see everything she was hiding behind.  I hope she isn't shy, but she's been in bad positions the past few ultrasounds, so we couldn't see her that well. 
The doctor said that kidney looks like it's doing better. Hopefully she is !

Layna is moving like crazy right now.. I wish she was like this this morning ! haha It's probably the nice, warm soup I just ate! MmmMmm Good !

Here are her chubby cheeks ! oh and mind you she weighs about 4 and 1/4 pounds ! SOOO chunky !

we have one more ultrasound before she's born. hopefully she's cooperate so we can get a good 3D picture of her :-)


Appointment with Pediatric Urologist

So, we had the appointment/ consultation with the Pediatric Urologist bright and early this morning. The doctor said that the baby will need an ultra sound done within the first week of Life :-(   Depending what that shows, they will go from there with tests until they figure out what is wrong. Good news : 90 % of babies that this occurs in, don't need anything done. 

tomorrow is another ultrasound day ... 


She moves ... a lot !

last night Layna was moving so much ! first, she was just jabbing at me and tickling me haha. and later, she was like stretching out or something ... my stomach looked like it had something in it that just wanted to come out !  it look kind of cool. these little bumps where she was pushing could just bulge out, or my stomach would totally get misshapen.  so i just enjoyed the sight and "played" with her for a few minutes before Daddy came home.

for the next few days she'll probably move only a little or just not hit me as hard. but its good to know she's still there ! 

oh ! the pediatric urologist appointment a couple weeks ago was rescheduled until this coming wednesday. so.... we'll see how that goes. 


ultrasound pictures

baby's first picture!
{our "chicken" as Dan called her}

a little closer...

scary baby. 
I am definitely not a fan of this picture.
{2nd ultrasound visit}

Her little foot! 

all of baby 


it's a girl ! 
hopefully she doesnt change into a boy :-(
{so far so good}

not a great picture ... 
she was kind of hiding.
{3rd ultrasound visit}