Other Website/Blog

12 • 13 •2010
December is here which means a few things:
1) Layna's surgery - which just took place last week.
2) Layna's FIRST birthday coming this Thursday
3) Christmas !

Layna's surgery went great ! The doctor connected the ureter back to the bladder. They were running behind schedule and poor Layna wasn't allowed to eat anything after 8:30 in the morning. They finally took her around 1:30-2ish, and was in the recovery room by 5:30pm. Layna didn't mind the delay. She was very well-behaved, and played with all the toys in the waiting room. The fact that she had missed two meals didn't even phase her, but she was ready for her nap by the time they took her in.  In the recovery room, Layna was getting antsy because after 45 minutes of being there, she tried to roll over and get up. The nurse turned around and saw this little naked toosh out from under the covers. Up in her room, Layna was very uncomfortable, she would be trying to sleep and when little adjustment or movement caused her so much pain. Finally, Mommy asked for morphine for the night, and that is was Layna needed. She was perfectly comfortable and fell right asleep. After a long and and night, Layna still woke up at 7:30 like any other morning, only this time the doctors and nurses walked in the room at the same time. Layna was sitting up  ready to greet them ! All day she was up and playful and happy - you woudln't have even known she had surgery. For the whole morning at the hospital Layna was like that, and enjoyed the attention from the URI Nursing students.

Layna has two kidneys still and no more leaky hole in her abdomen. yay !

Layna has been walking around the house like crazy and like a drunken sailor, but she loves her new way of getting around ! She is still going around saying "dada". She has started to say "ba" for book and sigs the tune of "oh toodles" from Mickey Mouse's Club House. She loves to dance and still sings to music. Also, she is pointing to things when she wants something. I would say communication is getting better between us hahaha

Her birthday is in a couple of days, so come back soon to see photos and see how her day went ! 

11 • 26  • 2010
Layna's first Thanksgiving was small and quiet. We celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux and Uncle Austin. She didn't have any Thanksgiving food; she wasn't interested. She was her usual self. Happy, smiling, dancing to music from the television, and getting into everything.

Layna has been working on her third and fourth steps. Sometimes she manages more., and you can see that she is proud of herself. We have introduced her to cake... and brownies .... and eggs.

Mommy and Daddy went present shopping for Layna's birthday and present gifts, and the nexy shopping trip will probably be soon.

Layna behaves very well in the shower nowadays. She manages to get herself standing in the shower, which makes Mommy nervous. Mommy has started brushing Layna's teeth at the end of her baths, which makes it much easier and she tries to brush them herself. For awhile now she has drank the water from the shower head like it is a water fountain. She thinks it is the funniest thing, and loves it.

Speaking about drinking, Layna has almost mastered the sippie cup. Mommy gave in when it came to teaching Layna how to drink from a a regular cup.  Mommy just left the cup around and eventually Layna understood that she has to suck to get the water. She has ever moved on from the size 2 nipple, so when she drinks from the sippie cup she sometimes sucks too hmuch and spits water out all down her front... or she chookes a little and laughs afterwards.

(I am not sure if I have mentioned this, but she has eight teeth now...)

11 • 16  • 2010
We are already half way through the months which means Layna is another month older ! So much has happened since last entry including Mommy's computer adapter breaking, so she couldn't work on the blog. Layna has taken her firt steps and stands up by herself and sometimes takes one or two steps here and there. Also, she went from making this weird "tska-tska" (I don't even know what it was) but now it is "Dada". Layna has always been a little singer and now she has started "dancing" or head bobbing/nodding.

There has been a bunch of things happening., and when Layna goes to sleep and Mommy has time we will update you all! Including new photos of Layna playing in the yards.

Layna is sleeping, so let's see what else has been happening....

We went to Uncle Tim's graduation&congratulations for being drafted party, where Layna and Mommy barely survived. There were so many people there that wanted to hold Layna right when they saw her , and that gave Layna a great start of seperation anxiety for the day. She wouldn't even go to Grandma or Grandpa Boyce for long. Layna was content in the small, quiet sitting room that Grandma's family gathered. She would smile and laugh and be silly, and stray a little from Mommy along with walking around the room holding onto the furniture. At one point, she was crawling around the house, but it was so crowded that Layna would have gotten stepped on. Daddy had to work, but was missed greatly.

Mommy and Layna dressed up for Uncle Tim's Graduation&Congratulations Party

such a cutie-pa-tootie

Mommy does photo shoots even when Baby Girl is asleep.
This one was for Daddy.

Mommy has been taking Layna on walks and outside to play in the yard on the warmer fall days. She budles Layna up in hat, mittens, and sweatshirts or jackets and layers her clothing. Layna doesn't do too much outside. You would think the way she gets into everything inside the house and crawls everywhere she would do that outside. But nope. Layna usually sits and examines the leaves and acorns and sticks up close and personal. As long as she doesn't put anything in her mouth, she can look at it.

The other day, Grandma Robidoux came down for a few hours to visit Layna and Mommy; Daddy had pulled some neck muscle or something and stayed home due to being uncomfortable. We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays and headed over to Jo Ann's fabrics. Once you get us in the craft store we will be there for awhile! Layna fell asleep in the stroller without a fuss. Layna's first birthday present was purchases but you have to wait and see what it is, we don't need anyone going around telling her.

On November 2nd, Layna had her One Year photo's done by Heidi Hope. Layna stood for us and smiled for us and dealt with Mommy's ridiculousness of outfit changes nad stuff really well. As always, Layna stared at the camera for most of thetime but hopefully we did get those smiles !

Photos for Layna's birthday invitation by Mommy:

11 • 3 • 2010
October went by so fast for us. We didn't get to go pumpkin picking or get lost in a maze this year. Layna didn't even get to celebrate her first Halloween; yep, she didn't dress up. Daddy had to work, so Mommy didn't want to take ayna out by herself.

Before the fall is completely over, Mommy bundled Layna Bayna up and took her outside to play and get some pictures of her in the leaves. Surprisingly, Layna kept her mittens and hat on without a fight. Like socks, Layna will keep things on when she knows they are keeping her warm.

Layna has a little cold, which she coudl've gotten from Mommy or just from the weather turning chilly all of a sudden. She is a little congested and sometimes a little stuffed up.

Layna stands by herself when Mommy puts her on her feet, but she won't stand up all by herself. The only time she does is when she is sitting on the brick with her feet on the floor. She is so proud of herself when she realizes she is standing with no help... now only if we can get her to walk. Sometimes she doesn try to take a step here and there but falls.

Yesterday, Layna got her 1 year old photos done. I know it is early, but if we want to send out holiday cards or first birthday invites with her photo, we needed to ge tthem done early - just in case. She did so well. We got a casual outfit, dressy outfit, some holidays photos and some birthday photos. I can't wait to see them and to share them with you !

10 • 23  • 2010
Last weekend, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux at their Cape Cod time share for the day. We walked on the beach, and Layna and Mommy put their toes in the water. It was on the cold side but Layna left one foot right in the water. She stoon balancing on one foot while holding the other one out of the water like a flamingo. We took a nap, went shopping, went out for dinner, and played at the timeshare for a little before it was time to go. Layna had fun, and wasn't shy. She was playing and laughing and being herself.

Also, her 8th tooth has made an appearance this week: her bottom left side incisor (I think that's what it is).

Layna has been crying every hour between 12 and 3 the pass couple nights, and Mommy and Daddy can't really calm her. Mommy thinks that Layna is having night terrors because  she cries like something is wrong  but doesn't respond to Mommy and Daddy until after a few minutes. Hopefully it is a phase.

Since Daddy has been back to work, Mommy has gotten Layna on a schedule. Layna seems to be much happier with her two-hour nap twice a day.

The past two days Mommy has been standing Layna up and letting go, so Layna would stand by herself. She can do it ! Lately Layna has been reaching further away when cruising around , so Mommy figured she would see if Layna could stand by herself and she did. Also, Layna would try to take a step or two towards Mommy. She has taken her "first" steps, but they are very wabbly.

Today Layna stood up from the ground twice but wouldn't do it again. Hopefully she will do it again soon and not have it be a fluke. Layna will be walking very soon!

10 • 10  • 2010
I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but Layna has started standing with no hands. It's not a huge deal because she only stands for a few seconds. She reaches for furniture farther away when she is cruising around, so she can't hold onto both at once.

Also, her seventh tooth has arrived: her bottom right side incisor (I think that's what it is).

10 • 8  • 2010
Every parent wonders if their children understands what they are saying and when it starts to happen. Layna has been recognizing her own name for months now, and gradually learns new "commands" such as "show Mommy" or "what did you find?" and she'll hold up the object or hadn it to Mommy. She knows the meaning of "no" but doesn't obey it - she's just a baby. When Mommy says "no" Layna will look at her and continue to her task. Layna also has learned "come here", "let's go up the stairs", "where's Daddy?" "Find Daddy?" and recently it has been "eat it" when she starts playing with her food and not eating it at all, and "take it out" and is slowly working on "put it in" - when it comes to cleaning her toys and taking them out to play.

Just the other day, Layna and Mommy were on the couch and Layna was headed straight of the couch head first, but suddenly - to Mommy's surprise - she turned around on her belly and put her feet first to get off the couch! She does it consistently and it wasn't just a fluke. Mommy has been teaching Layna how to turn around and get off the couch feet first, so she wouldn't fall on her head. Which she doesn't need since she is bumping her head her and there often enough. Mommy is proud of Layna.

In adition to all the understanding of language, Layna has "learned" about the telephone. When she hears it ring, she looks for the phone, and when Mommy or Daddy pick it up she is staring at them saying "I !" ("hi") in the background. She plays with Mmmy's hone al lthe time, and holds it up to her ear mimmicking Mommy and Daddy. I think it's time to get her a toy phone...

10 • 4 • 2010
October is here and Layna loves playing with the leaves and acorns in the yard. She has been cruising around a lot now, but still prefers crawling. She rarely walks when you hold her hands now. She has been started to climb now, also. Whether it's the back of the couch or the laundry basket, she is a determined little girl when she wants something. Layna  is learning how to push a ball to Mommy and has began to sing in the car when the music is on.

Layna's 6th tooth finally cut. Mommy thought it was going to come right after her 5th tooth, but it has been sitting right inside her gum for the past month or so.

Mommy has started giving Layna baths again, which she enjoys very much. Mommy was worried that Layna would try to get out right away, but she sits and plays and splashes like any other baby.

Yesterday Daddy worked all day and night, and Layna slept from 9pm to 6 in the morning and fell back asleep until 8. Hopefully this continues, so Mommy can put Layna in the bed and she'll sleep through the night.

Cape Cod

when we first got her little walker
her steps were wobbly with it, since it took of rolling

when Layna started to stand by herself

9 • 30 • 2010
We haven't been up to much lately. Last week, we made a trip down to Newport and walked the Cliffwalk and relaxed on the beach for a short while. Layna loved dipping her feet into the water! She was laughing and screeching - which is a new thing nowadays. I'm sure if she had a chance, she would've gone right into the water!

Layna has "mastered" waving. The other day she woke from  and Mommy was calling "Hi" across the room and Layna sat up, smiled and waved. Now she does it when someone is saying "hi" to her.

Like it was mentioned before, Layna screeches and yells. She does it when she is playing, but also is becoming a little dramatic and when she can't get something or falls a little harder than usual she criesor screams.

When day when Mommy brought Layna outside to play, She was holding Layna's hand while she was standing and let go... Layna stood there all by herself for a quick few seconds ! Layna has done this a few times since. Sometimes when Layna is playing  she will be doing something standing up and she let go of the furniture she is using for support. I don't think she realizes she is capable of standing by herself.

strolling the Cliffwalk in Newport, RI

dipping her toes in the water one last time for the summer
(Newport, RI)

more interested in the sand than getting her photo taken with her name than Daddy did for her

sharing Daddy's Del's Frozen Lemonade - Yummy !

9 • 18 • 2010
9 months have already passed since Layna came into the world. She has grown way too fast, and continues to grow and change with every passing day. Lately she has been demonstrating that she knows and likes to share, or Mommy thinks. She will pick up an object play with it and hand it to either Mommy or daddy. Layna makes the funniest faces now. She will smile big and squint her eyes and do it over and over. Sometimes when she is eating she will close her eyes and raise her eyebrows at the same time as if enjoying her food.Afer a couple weeks  of getting her new convertible carseat, she has finally gotten used to it.

Layna had her 9 month well-baby check up with her new pediatrician. Layna weighs pounds and she is 28 inches long. Also, she got a flu shot.

Update on Layna's kidney situation:
The right kidney's function is still 16%. She will be having a surgery to reconnect the ureter to the bladder.

stretching outside

such a BIG girl !

really asleep !

she understands what the phone is!

9 • 14 • 2010
On Saturday, the family took a trip up to visit Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux for the day. We went apple picking at Berlin Farms in Berling, MA. It was almost a perfect day: the sun was out shining, but there wasn't really a breeze. Walking around picking apples in jeans and a t-shirt made it a little warm. Layna wore capri pants and the tye-dye onesies Grandpa Chamberlain got Layna at the New York State Fair. Layna had a great time. Daddy decided to carry Layna in his arms instead of using the carrier, which was a little mistake. He didn't think we would be out picking apples 1 1/2-2 hours. 20 pound Layna, gets heavy after awhile ! Layna was eating and trying the apples with Mommy and Daddy. She seemed to like all the apples we picked.

Apply Picking ! Mommy couldn't resist the beautiful background, rich colors, bright sun, and the memories !

such a good little apple picker !

she was actually taking bites of the apples!
putting those teethies to work !

9 • 10 • 2010
We finally made it to Syracuse before Layna turned one. We drove up Friday morning, checked into the hotel in the afternoon ,and headed over to Layna's Great-Grammy Chamberlain's house by the early evening. At Great-Grammy's, Layna met Mommy's Grammy and Mommy's Dad for the first time; Uncle Andre and NIcole also made a trip up to Syracuse for Labor Day weekend. The family headed over to Uncle Charlie's for a Fried Fish dinner. Layna met Uncle Charlie, Aunt Debbie and cousins Caitlyn, Allyssa, and Kyle. She was well-behaved, and took a nap at dinner time so everyone could eat. She tried a little piece of fish when she woke up, which she didn't like at all.

On Saturday morning, Grandpa Chamberlain, Uncle Andre, Nicole, Mommy and Daddy and Layna all went to the park to play along with Uncle Andre's dog Teddy. Later, we headed to Aunt Rose's for dinner. BEfore dinner, we visited Baba (Mommy's Grandma) in the nursing home. Babe kept getting confused about the two babies (Layna and cousin Connor.) After dinner, Aunt Slavka and Uncle Mike made an appearance.; this was the first time Layna met Uncle Mike.

On Sunday, the whole Chamberlain family (except aunt Debbie and Grammy) went to the New York State Fair for the day. Layna behaved herself, and after lunch she slept for a good 2 maybe 3 hours. It was a miracle that she slept that long especially wih all the noise there.

It was time to leave on Monday, but before we headed out we went over to Uncle Charlie's for brunch to see everyone one last time before heading out.

at the park in Syracuse

playing with Uncle Andre in Syracuse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sooo cute