
Newborn Photos

Layna had her newborn photos done ! She was a little awake in the beginning, but finally fell asleep after eating. We had the photos done by Heidi Hope Photography (she's a portrait photographer). These are only preview photos, but I couldn't help but share. They are amazing and beautiful! Heidi said that Layna was a perfect model for each shot and has a perfect round head (thanks to the c-section). Enjoy !

Layna's 1st Christmas

Layna's first Christmas was somewhat a busy one. First we visited Grandma Boyce's family and then went to visit Granpa Boyce's family. Everyone loved her !! She wore her darling Christmas outfit, which only lasted about an hour or two because it was so hot in his aunt's home, but she looked so adorable! We didn't get a family photo, but thats ok. On December 26, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux and Layna got to meet Uncle Andre and Nicole, and Uncle Austin. She was good, sleepy like usual.

oh my, Layna getting big and she's only 2 weeks old (today !) !! We have had a good amount of nights that we stay up feeding and changing diapers. I feel like I change a dirty diaper every half hour to hour ! Even though gets sleepy after 5 minutes of feeding, sometimes she wakes right up and won't fall asleep, but thats ok during the day. It's amazing how her looks have already changed from the day she was born. Layna's has a doctor appointment today (the one she should've had after a few days of being discharged from the hospital. the nurse gave Mommy some trouble about it, but it's fine now) so, we will see how much she weighs now !


First Few Days Home

Layna's first few days home have been wonderful yet a little tiring ! I can't just seem to get sleep. People say sleep when the baby is sleeping but I feel I have stuff to do and I just can't take naps without worry about her. 

Layna is your typical baby : eats, sleeps, poops, and cries (when she needs one of those). I can watch her all day making all her little faces. She's very expressive with her eyebrows, raising them with curiosity (as if trying to know what's going on) or scrunching them down as if she were angry.  She loves sleeping in her bouncy chair along with sleeping in Daddy's or Mommy's arms.  I would say she sleeps through the night, but that is just because I don't go to bed until her midnight feeding (between 1-2). She isn't on a feeding schedule, we just let her eat whenever, but sometimes that could mean never, so...we have to wake the little sleeping beauty up. She doesn't fuss unless she has a dirty diaper or Mommy takes awhile to feed her. Daddy can easily calm her, especially with his swaddling skills ! No one can swaddle Layna as good as him ! She is definitely going to be a Daddy's Girl !

sleeping in her bouncy chair !


Welcome Baby Layna (pictures)

ready to go home !

I can just stare at her all day !

she's finally here ! (after the c-section in the recovery room)

proud Daddy !!

just born ! such chubby cheeks !! 
[Mommy kind of missed this moment due to throwing up and blacking out  :-(  ]

contractions on the bottom bar thing


Layna Elizabeth is here ... finally !!

Layna Elizabeth is here ! 

Delivery was an experienced within itself ... here is Layna's birth story:

We arrived at St. Luke's Hospital around 7:45am to get induced. I was, of course, shaking uncontrollably. After we were settled in and 600 questions were asked, I was induced around 9. The contractions weren't bad at all, just a tiny uncomfortable every once in awhile. I would give it a 1-2 on the Pain Scale. At 5:30pm, my doctor checked me and I was only 4 cm dilated and still 70% effaced and the baby was only "-2" (she was still really inside of me and not making her way out!)  So, at 5:30pm, Dr. Smith broke my water. The contractions got stronger and frequent - a really uncomfortable pain that I didn't want to get worse ! I would say a 6 on the Pain Scale. I tried my best to cope with the pain, but around 7:15 I was getting prepared for an epidural. They made Dan leave for this. There is only the anesthesiologist and nurse in the room when getting an epidural, so if Dan passed out, there was no one there to catch him. So, I freaked out crying my eyes out and shaking during the preparation, but I finally calmed down when I realized it didn't hurt that much.  The epidural felt *wonderful* can I say ! They said I would be able to feel pressure when have the contractions but there was nothing ! yay ! So, we hung out from 8pm to about 9:45pm before my doctor checked me again. I was only 5 cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby was still up (-2). Dr. Smith could check my pelvic bone now because I was more relaxed and I couldn't feel anything My pevlic bone was (and still is) too narrow to fit Layna's big head ! So, a c-section was the thing to do now ! I was crying and shaking so much ! Just awful. The c-section wasn't unexpected; I just didn't want it.  The only thing that calmed me down was the reflection of the surgery that I could see in the door window. I saw her head come out and then her body !! Amazing !! Then, when they were putting everything back in and pressing on things, I got super sick and threw up lol ... and I blacked out/passed out for a little. Poor little baby, I didn't want anything to do with her (Dan tells me).   :-(   So, overall, everything went ok.... 

ooh ! Layna's stats are:
weight |  8 pounds 10 ounces
length | 20 inches
arrived at |   10:44 pm
DOB | December 16, 2009

some light brown hair and blue eyes ! the cutest button nose ever and look at those lips ! 

I love my baby girl ! she is the most beautiful thing ever !! ..and I'm not just saying that because she's mine... everyone who looked at her told us so !  The picture will be up soon !!

Now, let's watch her grow !!


What a Stubborn Little Thing !

Layna Elizabeth is such a stubborn little thing ! She still is not here yet !!  Her due date was Friday December 11 and it's Tuesday December 15th. I had my membranes stripped on Monday, but I dont think that's going to work. If I don't go into labor by tomorrow, I will be getting induced tomorrow morning. I'm excited she'll be here soon but hopefully being induced won't make labor more painful or longer. 

Layna has been rolling and kicking around this past week though. Elbows and hands and knees and feet sticking out everywhere ! Hopefully she's just "pushing" her way down haha

One more day, then labor time...
hopefully she'll be here by Wednesday night/Thursday morning !

Can't wait for my itty bitty to be here !


"Meaning" of Layna

I came across this..well I actually searched for the meaning of "Layna" and thought I would share. So, here ya go :

Layna (Old French) from the alder grove
[syll. lay-na, la-yna] The girl name Layna is pronounced LEY-Nah. Layna is of Old French and Germanic origin, and it is predominantly used in the English language. 

Layna is a variant of Delaney (English). Layna is, also, a variant of Marlene (German, Polish, and English). 

Layna is not regularly used as a baby name for girls. It is not listed in the top 1,000 names. In 2008, out of the group of girl names directly linked to Layna, Delaney was the most frequently used.

Baby names that sound like Layna include: Laina (Finnish), Leyna (English), Laima (Lithuanian), Lainey (English), Lama (Arabic), Lami (Hausa), Lana (English, Greek, and Russian), Lanae (English), Laney (English), Lani (Hawaiian and English), Lanna (English), Lannie (English), Lanny (English), Launa (English), Laurrane (English), Leana (English), Leanne (English, and Leean (English).


elbows everywhere !

Baby Girl is elbowing me and kicking me everywhere ! She makes my belly bulge out and when you touch the bulge it's this little pointy bump - elbows.... feet... knees... 

i am 1 cm dilated and thinning out a little ... so we are getting there. 

10 more days until Dec 11...
...let's keep waiting a little more ...