
Weekend of Outings

We met with the pediatric urologist on Saturday to see what she had to say about the two tests results. She said we have one more test to do to see if there is two ureters or one, but either way she will be having some kind of surgical procedure done when she is a little older -  3-4 months old. Poor baby. :-(

Also, Daddy wanted to go watch the UMass men's basketball team's game, so Layna made her appearance at the sporting event. Daddy's basketball coaches all came to meet the little peanut along with the athletic trainer. "Girl or Boy?", the head coach asked, "oh girl... she's dressed in pink." What a silly man ! haha and the head athletic trainer said, "tiny just like you (Mommy) but looks just like you (Daddy). You poor thing."  haha Everyone loved her like always. She did good though. Even though the music was loud, she didn't make a peep until almost the end of the game. She ate and had one diaper change, before she decided she wanted to leave (aka her crying). 

Today Layna visited Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux for the second time (3rd time seeing them). She was doing good and was awake at one point, but like always started to get fussy. She seemed to want eat, eat, and eat some more ! Maybe she is going through a growth spurt or just one of those days she likes to eat. She didn't get to see Uncle Austin because he was at work; maybe next time. Grandma put Layna on her belly - a little tummy time never hurts - and she lasted about 5 minutes before she wanted up.  Next visit up to there is in February when Layna gets to meet Mommy's cousin, Rose, and her son, Connor, who is 10 months,  for the first time ! :-)


Meet the UMD Cheerleaders !

Layna got to meet the UMD Cheerleaders & Coach last night. Obviously she didn't know where we were and who all the strange people were, but they all were very happy to meet her! They all said that she doesn't look like Mommy at all, and they were in awe at how little she is and beautiful she is and her little squeaks ! Coach asked if she had started stretching her heel stretches, and grabbed her hand and counted out a motion. "5-6-7-8-1!" - and would move her arm as if doing an arm motion. It was too funny ! So, we stayed and watch the girls run through the routine while Layna ate and headed out. It was a good visit !

Like I said before, she makes little squeaks. It's like she's trying to talk to me - only if I could speak Baby ! Especially because a couple nights ago she was screaming crying like 12:30ish until 4:30ish in the morning. It was awful! Mommy's and Daddy's patience was reaching it's point, so we passed her back and forth and finally somehow she fell asleep with Mommy - cuddle buddies. She was fine in the morning and back to her normal sweet self :-) yay.

looking at the reflection thing on her swing.
she is so amuzed by it !

(you can see her first face scratch under her left eye... someone was slacking inthe nail-cutting department, but that was quickly taken care of as soon as the little one asleep!)

sweet little smile !
you should see her BIG smile :-)


VCUG Test = Negative :-)

Layna snores. She is the cutest little thing ever ! haha the upside of her little snoring -  We dont have to check to see if she's still breathing... I love her SO much !

Layna had her VCUG test yesterday. The minute we walked into the x-ray room, Mommy started to cry... silently; she tried to hold it together, but the thought of her being in uncomfortable and not knowing what's going on killed her, so she waited outside. She could hear Layna crying from the room, but she knew Daddy was there to take care of Baby Girl - thank goodness !  The test came out negative - no reflux, which means urine isn't going back into the kidney from the bladder. So, we have to meet with the pediatric urologist on Saturday and see what she says.


Layna with Mommy and Daddy (pics)


eyes wide open... 
relaxing with Mommy before bedtime

resting with Daddy while Mommy gets a quick break


Happy 1 Month !

HAPPY ONE-MONTH-OLD BIRTHDAY, LAYNA ELIZABETH !! That is right .. she is one month old today ! I can't believe I gave birth a month ago. I can't imagine her not in our lives since she has arrived. This past month has been something indescribable and something you can't imagine. From being sleep-deprived but not noticing it to being in awe at all the little squeaks that come from Layna and her smiles and facial expressions has been wonderful. and oh my, has she changed from the day she was born ! Her super chubby cheeks and round face are gone.. instead of a skinny belly that my hands fit around, she has this little round belly and her legs are getting some "meat" on them ! I just noticed her hair getting a little darker today also. Layna is more alert and looking around more. She is such a strong little girl, too ! She can hold her head up pretty well on her own; sometimes she sits straight up by herself and then slumps over - it takes so much effort for the little one. She pushes with her legs so hard .. and her arms need a little bit more exercise! 

Layna has kind of a schedule. She is awake for about 2-3 hours twice a day just to play. I can anticipate her awake times for the night and morning better, and Mommy and Daddy are getting more sleep these days.

We have survived and proudly made it through the first month and can't wait for what else is to come with Layna !


1-month well-baby appointment

Layna had her 1-month well-baby appointment today. She weighed is at 10 pounds exactly and 21.5 inches long. I could tell she put on some weight because her jeans actually fit around her belly the other day; no need for a belt. 

All babies do is eat, sleep, poop.. and cry. and wow, can Layna cry ?!  She has been having these crying fits for the pass few days now. They start around 2-3 and don't end til night. :-\  If they get worst, the doctor told us to call. It is the hardest thing to hear her screaming crying the way she does and really, nothing is wrong. I am convinced it's air bubbles ... or the change from breastmilk to formula, but I have been trying to feed her breast milk exclusively. 

I thought that today was going to be a quiet day/afternoon, but Layna started her little fussiness around 2. I put her in the swing, which she falls asleep in, wakes up and cries, and falls back asleep. The poor baby...

Grandma Boyce and Uncle Tim put the stroller together for us this afternoon :-)   All we need is warm weather to go on walks... or we could just go to the mall. But it's time that Mommy and Baby get out more... we definitely need some more fresh air during our days!

Layna likes to fall asleep on Mommy and Daddy (I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before), but sometimes when she is put down on her back, she wakes up. So Mommy figured out that the Boppy pillow can hold Layna as if Layna was still asleep on Mommy...

asleep on the Boppy pillow

taking another nap on the Boppy pillow

in the middle of Daddy changing Layna


Update on Layna's Kidney Situation

Layna's ultrasound appointment on Monday went ok. She cried for probably 99 % of the time - she didn't like the gel stuff, I am guessing... along with having to lay stretched out and not curled up all comfy. The ultrasound technician lady had the ultrasound doctor take a second look at Layna's kidney pictures. The ultrasound doctor came in and took a look a the kidney herself, which Layna totally did not enjoy ! She was screaming crying and I couldn't pick her up to console her, and she didn't want to eat or suck her pacifier; it's just heartbreaking when she cries like that. At the end of the appointment, Daddy was dressing her and she suddenly stopped crying when her second sock was put on. She just wanted her socks!  Now for the kidney... the doctor said that sometimes there are two ureters going from the kidney to the bladder, and the second ureter usually connects low on the bladder or right after the opening of the bladder. Well, Layna only has one ureter but it has the characteristics of what a second one would be (connecting low, near the opening of the bladder). So, the next test before meeting with Dr Ellsworth is called VCUG Test. 

What is a VCUG?
• VCUG stands for (Voiding Cysto-Urethrogram)
• This test evaluates the bladder size, shape, and capacity as well as the urethra. A VCUG can be used to determine if you have a reflux - a condition where urine from the bladder goes upward back o the kidneys.
• a VCUG uses x-ray pictures to look for reflux


Two-and-a-Half Weeks

At Layna's doctor appointment she was back up to/pass her birth weigh: 8 pounds 11 ounces. Interesting thing though... the nurse said she was 20 inches long and she was born at 23 inches .. Hmm ! Dan said that the nurse stretched her out, so the hospital must've been wrong because obviously she didn't shrink !! Layna had to get some blood drawn for one of the test from the newborn screening and that was awful. The poor baby was sound asleep and the lady just pricked her out of no where ! Imagine being a sleep and get pricked. And then she had to squeeze Little Layna's foot to get the blood out. She was screaming, crying and I felt so helpless. Layna fell back asleep as fast as she was awaken though. 

Early this morning, after a feeding Layna was curled up with me on the couch (I was trying to get her to fall back to sleep), and she was all smiles. I don't think it was gas smiles; I think it was smiles of contentment. She ate a lot !! She has the best smile ever with little dipples at the corner of her mouth ! Usually she smiles with just one side of her mouth, but she was smiling big! It was the sweetest thing.

Dan and I put the Napper together in the Pack N Play. I had a feeling she would sleep better in the Napper instead of flat on her back in the Pack N Play because she can kind of nestle in it; it makes her feel more secure...and it's softer.  She does like it better and sleeps pretty well in it. However, she still likes to fall asleep with Mommy or Daddy (or someone) holding her, and then get put down to sleep. 

Tomorrow she has her ultrasound for her kidney, which we think will go good because she always has wet diapers. Let's hope for the best.