
Week Full of Appointments

Earlier last week Layna had her post-op ultrasound to see how her kidney and ureter looks, and her post-op appointment and follow up appointment with the urologist was on Saturday. The kidney and ureter still looked a little swollen. The Urologist wants to do one more ultrasound in about a month and then a renal scan to see how the function is, and then we will see what to do for her kidney. 

At her 4 month checkup, Layna got her 4-month vaccines. She weighed 16 pounds and is 25 inches long. She is in the 90% percentile for her weight and 70% percentile for her length. 

Layna had rice cereal for the first time yesterday, and she did so good ! She didn't spit the spoon out at all, she would grab it and finish putting the spoon and food in her mouth, and wouldn't give Mommy the spoon back. Mommy was using two spoons for every other bite because Layna was taking and keeping the spoon until she saw the next one coming at her face.

Cuddle time with Mommy
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rice cereal - yumm!!


Some of the Photos by Jackie edited

4 Months Old !

Almost a week ago, Layna turned 4 months old ! Mommy had been distracted and busy living at Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux's for the past two weeks with Layna giving Grandma Boyce some time to finish the basement. Mommy and Layna returned to Daddy this past Sunday. However, the basement isn't finish but very very close to it !

Nothing too exciting has happened this past couples week - Layna rolled over but thats it. Layna is such a playful, happy giggly girl. Mommy is waiting as patiently has possible for her to laugh !

When Layna is put on her stomach, we can see that she is trying to crawl. Well, not exactly crawl but she is learning to move her legs and can now push up on her hands when on her belly.

This weeks is full of appointments for Layna Bayna. Yesterday she had her ultrasound for her kidney, and has a follow up on Saturday. Friday is her 4-month check up, which means more vaccines.


Layna Rolling Over

Miss Layna rolled over back-to-front all by herself today ! She kept rolling to her side when Mommy was changing her, which made it a difficult task, but after her clean diaper was on, Mommy let her do whatever and she rolled to her belly ! Mommy is SOOOO proud !!


Photos by Jackie

a few photos that Mommy's friend took...

April 1, 2010
3 1/2 months old/ Easter photos


Layna's First Easter

Layna had a wonderful first Easter !

Mommy, Daddy and Layna visited Grandma (Mimi) and Grandpa (Papa) for the weekend. We went up Friday night, and boy, did Layna have a terrible night ! She couldn't fall asleep, and Mommy and Daddy didn't know what was wrong. She finally fell asleep in bed with Mommy and Daddy. Early morning, Daddy put Layna on his chest and the pressure must have been a good thing because Layna let "some" gas out - it just kept on coming ! No wonder Layna was fussy and uncomfortable all... those gas pains are awful !

After a long, restless night, Aunt Rose, Cousin Connor and Great Auntie arrived in Marlborough around 11am. We all went to Babies'R'Us where we got Layna's crib finally, and a bunch of summer clothes ! Layna and Connor seemed to be having a contest between the two - who could go the longest without taking a nap. Neither of them wanted to fall asleep even by bedtime, they were up and active. Layna slept a little better Saturday night. Mommy, Daddy and Layna took a little car ride around 10pm where Layna fell asleep and stayed asleep for about an hour after getting home. However, being over tired she had some trouble staying asleep, but Daddy put her in the car seat and walked around the room and Layna was out within 10 minutes. Then, Layna slept in the carseat on the floor next to Mommy's side of the bed. If Layna seemed to be waking up, Mommy just reached over and rocked the car seat.

Easter finally came and the weather was gorgeous as it was all weekend. Everyone was seated around the table ready to eat by noon. After lunch, Aunt Rose, Mimi, Connor, Daddy, Mommy and Layna went for a walk. Layna fell asleep at the start of the walk. Layna got a lot of fresh air between two walks and relaxing on the deck. Aunt Rose, Great Auntie, and Connor head back to Syracuse around 3. Mommy, Daddy and Layna took a nap together. and Daddy went home around 6 because Mommy and Layna are visiting Mimi and Papa for the week. Layna was up for a little - had a bottle, played for an hour, had a nice warm bath and was out by 9 oclock. She was finally her old self again and Mommy was a happy Mommy :-)

Sunday night, Layna couldn't get comfortable on her back, so she rolled to her side and fell peacefully to sleep (this was the first).

hanging with Uncle Austin

playing with some Easter eggs

eating her clothes like always

Daddy and Layna

Mommy and Baby

3 generations - Mommy, Baby, and Grandma

Cousin Connor !

Mommy and Daddy


Recovering SO Good !

Layna is recovering wonderfully and quickly from her surgery ! She has been a little fussy up to Wednesday. The incision healed perfect and the little whole where the urine drains out, isn't has big as the doctor said; It is more of a half-inch opening at the end of the incision. Mommy and Daddy are now trying to figure out a way to keep the urine in the diaper. It isn't low enough to go directly into her diaper even though it gets covered by it, the urine still leaks out the side if the diaper isn't on perfectly. The other day Mommy put a maxi pad around Layna's right side under the diaper and it collected all the urine from the hole. Mommy thinks that is what they are going to have to do. 

Yesterday Layna had a little photo shoot with one of Mommy's friends (Jackie) who does photography. They are Layna's Easter and 3 month-old photos. Mommy will be getting them in a few days and can't wait to share ! 

Also, Mommy thinks Layna is teething. She is nawing on everything, not sucking... gets suddenly fussy... puts her hand to her ear ... and drools .. a lot.... and sometimes she doesn't want to eat even though she hasn't eaten for awhile. Some babies start teething early and some late, and well, Layna must be an early teether. Time to get some teething rings. Mommy tried giving Layna a cold, damp wash cloth which she seemed to like. 

Baby Girl is now 15 pounds and is fitting into 3-6 month clothing and by the time summer comes she will probably be in 9 month clothing. Boy, is she growing ! 

Daddy, Mommy, and Baby are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux for Easter weekend. Aunt Rose, cousin Connor and Slavka (great aunt) are coming to visit for the weekend, too.

Mommy and Layna Bayna lounging and playing

she didn't tell Mommy we were doing *kissy face*