
Layna's First Trip to the Beach

Today was Layna's first trip to the beach. Mommy, Daddy and Layna went to Horseneck Beach. It was a beautiful, sunny, hot day. Layna hung out in her tent trying to get to everything in there. She was such a happy baby at the beach smiley most of the time. Her curiosity of the world around gets stronger with every passing day. She is starting to be able to stand up when holding on to something, and when she is sitting, she catches herself instead of letting herself tip over.

Layna loves her baths, but she is too strong for her own good. She will reach over the edge and try to pull herself up and goes from sitting to laying on her belly. Bath time is starting to become a challenging task.

Layna is doing a lot better with poopy diapers since she has started out on the soy formula. Mommy may try to give her some baby oatmeal within the next week. The WIC nutritionist said the baby rice cereal will probably make her constipated still.

Layna is 5 and 1/2 months old and soon she will be able to have her first taste of real foods - some kind of veggies.

not like her sunglasses on her face

sun bathing with Daddy

putting her toes in the ocean

family photo

hanging with Daddy in the tent

Mommy and Layna

Catching Up on Photos

cheering on Uncle Tim at his URI Baseball Game:

Mommy's Graduation

Big Smiles !

super baby


Lately ...

Layna is doing great developing. She can sit up by herself until she leans back and falls backwards. She will lean forward reaching for something and tip over and move onto her belly and doesn't know what to do from there. She tries crawling with her head on the floor and her legs moving trying to get herself somewhere but she doesn't get anywhere - maybe a few inches. Layna is always interested in what is on Mommy's and Daddy's plate and what they are drinking. She "climbs" all over us trying to get to everything. She is a very determined baby, and Mommy and Daddy are in trouble when she starts crawling.

Layna has two teeth now! Her second tooth came in around May 19.

Mommy's graduation was on May 23rd. Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux, Aunt Slavka, Aunt Rose and Conner, Uncle Austin, Uncle Andre and Nicole, and Daddy attended the graduation. It was cloudy but near the end the sun came out along with the heat.

Layna has been sleeping through the nights since she has been switched to soy formula. She is finally started to take 5 ounces per feeding and using a medium (3 month old +) nipple.


It's Been Awhile ...

A good amount has happened since the zoo. Mommy had been working hard to finish her degree project for graphic design senior show. Finishing the project included taking some photos of Layna and Daddy playing. However, Layna was fussy that day and Mommy had to deal with the photos she got. 

Mommy's graphic design show was on Friday May 7th. Layna joined Mommy to setup her exhibit and to attend the show. She met all of Mommy's friends and more. Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux drove down to see the show, but also to see their little grand daughter. Grandma watched Layna and took a walk with her while Grandpa helped Mommy setup. The show was 6pm - 10pm, but Mommy and Layna only stayed until 7:30 when Layna started to get really fussy. Layna finally got to meet one of Mommy's professors - Yoon Soo Lee - who has been wanting to see her.

This past week, Daddy went to the basketball courts and Mommy and Layna joined him. It was a nice little outing to enjoy the good weather.

Mommy had another show on May 15th, which Daddy and Layna both went to. It was only three hours long and at the UMass Dartmouth campus. Layna was dressed so cute and everyone - like always - adored her ! Layna got to have some licks of an organic lollipop. Mommy figured since it's organic it couldn't hurt her. 

Layna is now eating soy formula. Her gassiness and gas pain haven't gone away or gotten better. For the past few days, she hasn't been gassy, but also has had a poopy diaper. Her diapers were very wet, she had diarrhea, but Mommy figured it was from the antibiotics she is on. Uncle Mike is lactose-intolerant, so the lady at WIC thinks that Layna may be also - at least she thinks she can't handle the milk-based formula.

Layna's diaper rash has gone away, but Mommy and Daddy are continuing to apply the cream so it stays away.

she thinks every bottle is hers

sitting up by herself - such a BIIIIG girl !

our little thumb sucker

playing with Daddy

watching Mommy do some work

Daddy gave his baby girl a mohawk !

sitting up on her own

at Mommy's graphic design show

hanging out at the courts... flowers Daddy gave Layna

Layna loves her jumperoo

at Mommy's second show

wanting more of Daddy's organic lollipop

yummy organic lollipop

Mommy adores her angel !

hands always in her mouth - 
one reason she wouldn't be the best baby model...


Layna's First Tooth !

Miss Layna's first tooth has been cut. Daddy discovered the top of her sharp little tooth coming in on May 9th. All the fussing and crying and drooling and chewy has finally gave us an answer what was going on with Layna. The bottom left center incisor it peaking through. 

Our baby girl is growing up way too fast. She is starting to sit up without support longer and longer with each passing day. Layna tries to sit up when laying on her back and kind of props up on her elbows. Layna is showing signs of wanting to crawl and can somewhat move herself in a circle. When she starts crawling Mommy and Daddy will be in trouble and have their hands full. Right now, Layna tries to get into everything within reach or almost reach. She tries to move 
herself to objects. She is interested in everything around her.

Layna is doing well with rice cereal. As messy as she is, she is great eating with a spoon. She opens her mouth right up with no resistance. However, she gets distracted with everything on the table and wants to grab at it all.

She is our sunshine. Smiling and playing all day - mostly. She makes us laugh with her silliness. She loves taking baths where she kicks her legs and splashes water everywhere. The bath tub is one of her favorite places besides being outside, and if she could be in either of the two all the time she would. 

Today Layna got a baking soda bath. She has had a pretty bad rash on her bum, and Mommy and Daddy are trying hard to keep her little bum healthy... We'll see how this works. 


Layna Goes to the Zoo

We have been a busy family lately... Well, Mommy has been busy with finishing her school work and not keeping up-to-date. 

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took Layna to the zoo for the first time. It hot, humid, and crowded but still a good family outing. Layna just hung out without fussing. She loved watching all the people walking by us instead of looking at the animals. 

Mommy is starting to get Layna to giggle a little when she kisses and blows rasberries on Layna's belly, but she hasn't laughed yet. She is grabbing at everything and putting it all in her mouth, particular Mommy's hair. Layna is beginning to sit up by herself.... and then tips over. Her legs kick kick kick ! when she is on her belly and is trying to get to her toys and does move somewhat. Layna is becoming a thumb sucker, but she will also take the pacifier only when she has fallen asleep while eating and needs a little addition sucking. 

As playful as Layna is, Mommy feels she is getting a taste of what Layna is going to be like when she is older. She grabs at things and put things in her mouth and gives Mommy that "I don't care what you say, I'm going to do it" look. She is such a cute little brat in her own sweet way.

Layna is starting to get used to sleeping in Mommy's and Daddy's bed, but that will soon change. Her crib is finally going to be put up this week ! Mommy thinks Layna isn't sleeping well in the pack'n'play because it isn't as comfortable as a mattress. Mommy is ecstatic to finally get Layna's crib up !

Layna meets the giraffes

...and the elephants