
First Swim in a Pool

Layna wakes up in the morning and doesn't want to go back to sleep for a couple more hours, so instead of being stuck inside playing, Mommy takes Layna on a walk before it gets hot. Mommy has started to get into an exercise routine and lose the extra weight, especially since her Rheumatoid Arthritis is a lot better. Along with morning walks, Daddy and Mommy and Layna takes walks in the evening as part of her bedtime routine, if the temperature has cooled off.

Layna has started getting three (solid food) meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - along with her bottles of formula bottles. She is doing a great job eating solids. Mommy makes a bowl of baby rice and mixes her baby food with it. Layna's favorites include peaches, pears and applesauce, squash, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. She doesn't enjoy carrots or bananas, but Mommy is willing to give it another try soon.

Layna got her first little bump on her head - she hit the coffee table. Just a little bruise and bump nothing big.

Yesterday Daddy had surgery on his jaw, leaving Mommy and Layna for a girl's weekend. Yesterday Layna and Mommy went to visit Auntie Libbie, where Layna got to swim in a pool for the first time. She loved it and couldn't have been happier ! She behaved so well. At first, Layna had a little stranger anxiety, but warmed up to the Howley's quickly. Layna would laugh when Mommy moved her back and forth in the water and her feet just dragged. She would stand on the first step with her toes in the water, and it was just the cutest little sight ! Mommy put Layna in her pack'N'play to play quietly, but she just wanted to get out. She somehow managed to stand up while pushing the mesh sides for leverage - she is such a little monster !! Layna took a nap in the later afternoon; falling asleep quietly even though Mommy had to carry her for 15 - 20 minutes. Layna was the most sociable and happy with strangers than she has ever been. On the way home, Layna and Mommy stopped by the hospital to visit Daddy.

After getting home, Layna got a small bottle, a bath and was ready for bed around 9. However, it was just one of those nights where Layna couldn't stay asleep. She would quickly fall asleep when in front of the fan, but the minute Mommy adjusted her hand or arm or tried to put Layna down, Baby Girl would wake right up. This went on for a good 2 hours.

taking in the surroundings

Mommy would only put a bathing suit on for her little angel !

relaxing on the steps

naptime !

Auntie Lib


Baby on the Go !

the cake Mommy made for Layna to celebrate making it to 6 months
~Layna has accomplished in 6 months and Mommy and Daddy are still surviving~

Yesterday Layna had her 6 months check-up where she got her 3rd set of vaccines, which she didn't appreciate one bit. However, she didn't get a fever this time - whew ! We had to see a different pediatrician because Layna's had changed to a different location. The doctor was amazed at how strong Layna is. Everytime she would lay her down to do the physical, Layna would try to sit up or roll over. She even tried to sit up when the nurse came in to give her her vaccines. Layna weighed in at 18 pounds and 26 inches long.

Layna had her 6 month photos taken on Tuesday. Here is the link to the preview photos of Layna's 6 months photos: (if its not a link, just copy and paste it)


All day yesterday, Layna was on the move.. lunging and "crawling" around on the floor. She reached for Mommy and Daddy's hands to pull herself up to her feet. If she can get to something else to grab on to, she will try to pull herself up - yes she still tries to do it in the bath tub ! Her determination must be the cause of her advance gross motor skills. Enjoy watching her "slither" around on her belly !

She's a girl who loves to laugh and Mommy doesn't have to rub Layna's belly with her face anymore. Layna laughs at funny sounds and facial expressions and squeals when she is playing. She has laughed in her sleep a few times which is the cutest and funniest thing ever. Here's a quick snippet of Daddy rubbing his face on Layna's belly. She laughs just like Mommy: when it comes to much to laugh, she yells:

Today Mommy had put Layna in her crib to relax, she wouldn't nap, so some quiet time in the crib would let her relax a little. Mommy went upstairs and Daddy came down stairs and to his surprise Layna Bayna was standing holding onto the crib; she had pulled herself up ! Also, Mommy was playing with Layna on the ground and holding Layna's hand and she stepped up with one foot and then the other to stand. This baby girl is learning super fast ! She still struggles on sitting up, but she is getting there.


Layna's 6 Months Old

Layna is 6 months old! Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast half a year went by. Layna had her 6 months photos taken today by Heidi Hope Photography - the same photographer who did her newborn photos. She did very well except she didn't smile her big smiles that much. Whenever a camera is put in front of her she just stares at it. Hopefully Heidi got some photos of her smiling. Also, Layna was a little tired. She woke up at 7, had a bottle, but didn't go back to bed. She slept on the way there, but not enough; just enough to keep her happy and not break down and cry. It was a beautiful day out, so we got some studio photos along with some at the park. At the park, Heidi took some photos of Mommy and Daddy with Layna. Of course, Mommy had her own little photo shoot of Layna when they got home.

Layna's food palette has been expanding. She has tried carrots, which she didn't enjoy... sweet potatoes, which were a hit along with pears and applesauce.

Layna is slowly learning how to sit up by herself, she still needs someone to hold her legs while she does a sit up - literally. When Mommy sits Layna in her crib to play quietly, Layna pulls herself on to her knees and looks over the rail to see what Mommy and Daddy are doing. Instead of crawling forwards, she goes backwards or turns or rolls. The only way she knows how to move forwards is with her butt in the air and her head/face on the floor. Mommy is surprised she has gotten rug burns all on her face yet; her nose just gets a little pink.

Layna had her second ultrasound and follow up with the urologist last week, who had good news: Layna's ureter is back to normal size and the right kidney is not swollen anymore from backed-up urine - it appears to be working. Layna's renal scan is in August, which we will find out the function of the kidney, and when Layna's second surgery is.

Pre-6 Months Photo Shoot by Mommy

L is for Layna

Baby Girl loves to stand

Post - 6 Months Photos by Mommy

super happy baby !!

Relaxing outside with Daddy and Sammy

always wanting to stand


Butternut Squash

The other day Layna had a nice little dinner of baby oatmeal with prune juice instead of water. She enjoyed it and had a good amount of it. Layna was still struggling to pass a bowel movement, so Mommy figured to mix the prune juice and oatmeal - which worked like a charm within 12 hours.

Last night Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux watched Layna while Mommy and Daddy went out for the night in Boston. Grandma reported that Layna was good. She was asleep when Mommy called to check-in around 9, and Grandma said she woke up right after and wanted to play. She eventually fell asleep after having some water. Layna was sound asleep when Mommy and Daddy came home, so they could head to bed easily. Layna slept on her stomach for the majority of the night, which she never does; she usually sleeps on her side or back.

Today Layna had a her first solid food - butternut squash. She didn't know what to make of it at first. It was as if she thought we were teasing her and she couldn't have anymore after tasting it. She ate about a tablespoon of it willingly and didn't make a big mess. Layna ate/sucked the butternut squash off her bib.


Layna's Schedule Changing

Layna has been sleeping wonderfully through the nights and now Mommy and Daddy can finally get a decent night's sleep. Even though Layna still only falls asleep when moving - particularly when Daddy is walking around with her - she stays asleep when she is put down on her side in her crib. She looks so much more comfortable on her side. However, in the morning Mommy and Daddy can find Layna either on her belly playing, down at one of the ends of the crib, on her back but flipped around (her head where her feet were). She still is oh-so smiley in the morning when Mommy and Daddy get her from the crib and it is the best thing to see in the morning - your baby happy ... happy to see her Mommy and Daddy.

Layna's is finally falling on a schedule as long as it doesn't get disturbed. She will wake up around 5 for a feeding and go back to sleep for a few more hours. Eats again around 8-9 and by 11 is down for her "morning" nap, which can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Then it is play time and time to eat again and do whatever for the day. Mommy and Daddy try to get Layna to nap by 3 at the latest because she usually gets a quick cat nap in around 6 before it is time to take a bath and get ready for bed. Layna is usually asleep around 9.

Layna's eating schedule is about to change and not because she will be starting solids. Four ounces every 3 hours is finally not enough for Layna. Mommy is going to start giving her 5 ounces every 4 hours and hopefully in a couple of weeks Layna will be having 5-6 ounces every 4-5 hours. Adding the solid food will probably also help with filling up Layna's little belly.