
Puff Balls !

Apparently Layna always knew how to climb up stairs. She doesn't just do a couple at a time ... she flies up them like it's an old habit, especially when she knows someone is up there.

This morning, Layna was sleeping in bed with Mommy. Mommy was awake and watching Layna for a few minutes and Layna kept smiling non stop.... and her eyes would open with her eyeballs rolled back kind of freaky.... but the smiling part was SO adorable ! Mommy wish she had a camera to record it!

Layna has been eating these little veggie and fruit puff ball snacks that melt in her mouth along with some "table food" or food off of Mommy's and Daddy's plates. She doesn't know what to make of the puff balls. The have flavor but it's not strong (Mommy tried one). Also, we give her these little yogurt melts also unlike the veggie and fruit puffs, the yogurt ones have a lot of flavor. She eats them which makes Mommy happy, and instead of sticking the whole puff in her mouth, Layna usually takes a little bite - she is using those teeth !!

Layna is starting to learn how to clap. She will fling her toys (or whatever object she is holding) around with her right arm, and sometimes just swings her arm. When Daddy and Mommy clap, Layna will try mimmicking them, but with just the right arm. Also, Layna does this thing now where she will throw her head back with a mouth-wide-open smile. It's so funny and cute !

Layna is learning how to drink out of a "cup". We use the cap to the bottle which is the perfect size. She does fairly well, and improves everytime ! She does still manage to get water everywhere though.

Early tomorrow morning, Layna has an appointment with Dr Ellsworth, the urologist. She had the scan done last week, and now we will find out if we are keeping the right kidney or getting rid of it. Goodluck, Layna Bayna !

...and lastly, the family is going to Syracuse this weekend ! Layna finally gets to meet her Grandpa Chamberlain and that side of Mommy's family. Uncle Andre and Nicole will be visiting that weekend too, so Layna will get to see them again along with Auntie Rose, Cousin Connor, and Mommy's Aunt Slavka and whoever else from Grandma Robidoux's family.

Layna has taken a long car trip before, and she requires a lot of necessary "stuff". Mommy is sure the car will be packed with 75% of Layna's belongings. We are staying in an hotel, and hoping that Layna will get some swim time in the pool !

watching Grandma and Grandpa leave

"Rock Star" tank
(she wasn't feeling this photo shoot)



haha sitting on a ball

trying on a few of her new fall clothes (somebody needs a nap)

learning to drink from a cup

such a big girl !

help, Maaa!
baby in the diaper box


the side incisor makes five...

Little Miss 8-month-old has her FIFTH tooth. Her top right tooth (top side incisor) came in last night. :-) Mommy figured she was teething again because Layna Bayna was drooling again... and this explains why she wasn't sleeping great... just ok.


Cups, Stairs, and No Hands - Oh My!

On Friday, Mommy, Daddy and Layna went to pick up Layna's 6-months-old photos. They came out great and Mommy can't wait to share them!

Yesterday, the family went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux for the day. At first, Layna cried when Grandpa tried holding her, but she quickly warmed up to him. She was hyper and excited standing and sitting and standing and sitting and grabbing toys. Dinner went by, Layna had the rest of her applesauce from lunch. She is starting to feed herself with the spoon. Mommy will put the food on the spoon and Layna will grab it and put it in her mouth. She is such a big girl ... and makes such a big mess ! At dessert time, Layna was still hyper standing up on laps and reaching for everything on the table. She would put the cap of her baby bottle up to her face like a cup and try to get something in her mouth. Grandma put some water in it and Layna slowly understood what to do.

Mommy tried teaching Layna how to use a sippy cup (but took out the safety plug thingy) the other day when they were outside. She understand what to do and looked like a big girl with a cup in hand. However, Mommy thinks they will go straight to a cup, no need for a sippy... and pediatricians don't recommend them anyways. Apparently sippy cups equal bad habits. The baby bottle cap makes the perfect cup for Layna - light and just her size!

Layna weighs 20 pounds now. Mommy and Layna went for their WIC appointment and she got weighed. The nutritionist gave Mommy some suggestions and guidence on the new foods Layna can eat including yogurt and pasta and sauce. Mommy told the lady how Layna instinctively put the cap to her bottle to her mouth mimicking a cup, and the lady agrees that the caps are perfect and convenient for people who can't buy cups.

Mommy fed Layna her brunch outside today (Thursday August 19th) and let her try drinking some water out of her "cup". Layna did amazingly well. She is growing up and learning SO quickly. Layna does spill something, not knowing if you tip the cup it'll spill. After the first few times of picking it up at the edge and seeing the water spill out, she will pick the cup up on it's sides like we do. For an afternoon snack, Mommy let Layna try her first little serving of yogurt - YoBaby Peach yogurt. She seemed to like it. She ain't it without complaint. Mommy got the peach yogurt thinking she would take it more willingly because she knows the flavor. Now, we just wait and see if she has any potty troubles from it.

Layna makes this HUGE smiley face where she opens her mouth in a big O-shape. She smiles and makes it and smiles again. Mommy theory - she is mimicking how Daddy and Mommy say... "say Maaaa-Maaa" and" "say Daaa-Daaa" and "Hiiiii" with their mouths WIIIIIDE open. Also, Layna has "developed" this interesting, new sound as if making a low grunting sound. (it's a little difficult to describe in words....)

Another "milestone" Layna proved she is capable of is climbing stairs, or crawling up stairs. She climbs all over Mommy and Daddy in bed and on the couch, so it isn't a huge surprise she knew how to crawl up the stairs. When the visiting Grandma and Grandpa the other day, Daddy demonstrated (with Layna's legs/body) how to go up the stairs. Today, Layna saw Mommy go up the stairs and followed - Daddy was watching her. Layna did the same thing with Mommy. However, she doesn't like you standing behind her... She reached for Mommy's legs and tried turning around and standing. Speaking of standing (I dont know if this was mentioned before) Layna is getting brave and sometimes let's go and tries to stand. She only stands for a couple seconds before she falls on her bum-bum. She usually attempts this on the couch or bed.; something about the softness of the mattress and cushions must make her feel secure enough to stand with no hands. She learns too quickly!


photos from recent outings and at home

sucking on an ice cold wash cloth
- a trick to sooth her teethies
and cool/hydrate her on hot days -

watching it down pour outside

hanging in her Puma outfit

loving the swing

Layna's new things lately is shaking and banging her toys and to hold her toys and crawl and standup. Layna loves her little baby pool. She crawls around in it and enjoys sitting and playing in warm, bath-like water.

Layna enjoyed the swing at the park and going down the slides with Daddy. However, the water at the beach/park in Somerset isn't the cleanest at all. The family took a little trip to see how the water and beach was, but Mommy felt yucky just dipping her own toes in, she couldn't even let Layna test the water. Not only was there trash but Mommy spot a lovely jelly fish, which topped off that that beach was a "no-way-jose" beach.

Mommy is slowly introducing food to Layna. Whenever Mommy has a cheese stick, she gives a couple tiny pieces to Layna, which is likes. Mommy tried cutting up carrots - Layna didn't really like it.... along with pasta. The next on the list is Kiwi. It should soft enough for her and an interesting and new flavor. Layna's pincer grip is coming along very well, especially because she likes to pick up dirt and Mommy's hair off the floor along with picky at grass when we're outside. She seems a little confused when Mommy gives Layna a bowl of colorful little pieces and allowing her to grab them and put them in her mouth. After a few seconds, she does taste what is in the bowl and experiences and then it falls out.

Boy, this baby girl can scream and cry for hours if we let her .... and we should ! Mommy is getting aggravated that Layna can't and won't fall asleep on her own. It is a stand off between Mommy and Baby. Mommy allowed Layna to get spoiled and now has to live with this. She does sleep 3-4 hours at night before waking.... for a midnight bottle. Again, another mistake/bad habit Mommy got Layna back into. Maybe she is going through a growth spurt and needs the extra food during the night. Anyways, Mommy would put Layna in her crib when she was getting tired but just wanted to play on the couch with Mommy and Daddy. However, when put in the crib she screams and cries. Mommy is trying to be strong and trying let Layna go to sleep on her own, but hearing her cry for an hour straight is awful and heartbreaking. Hopefully Layna will learn that the crib means "sleepy time" and that Mommy and Daddy will not come running when she cries. She needs to learn to soothe herself asleep.


Cranky Baby and MUCH more !!

It has been a LOOOONG LOOOOONG time since anything new was said about Layna's little life.

So, Layna's top front teeth have come in and it was an awful two weeks. While the bottom two came quietly, the top ones wanted everyone to know they were coming. Layna got a temperature... a fever as high as 102.3* and could barely sleep. Mommy and Daddy were up pretty much every 1-2 hours. Layna refused to eat solids and barely had any formula. Her front teeth are so much bigger than bottom ones.

Layna is finally her happy, go-lucky self again playing and getting into everything. She is starting to cruise now, getting braver and braver. She just takes a step or two at a time, but Mommy thinks she will definitely be walking before she's one-year-old ! Oh speaking of her walking, Mommy lowered the mattress the other day - in hopes of having Layna scream and cry herself to sleep - and now Layna can be in her crib safe without Mommy and Daddy worrying she will flip over the rail.

As fun as Mommy and Daddy are to play with and climb and be silly with, Layna Bayna does like playing and exploring by herself. When upstairs, Mommy puts Layna on the floor in the living and Layna will come to the kitchen looking for Mommy ... well, she will sit in the living room for a minute and when Mommy pops around the corner, saying "Here I am ! Come find me!" Layna will crawl over to the kitchen. She is SO cute when she crawls ! and she is so happy and proud when she "finds" Mommy in the kitchen.

Daddy found a new way of "tickling" Layna. He places her belly right on top of his head and moves it fast. Layna dies laughing right away.

Mommy's new way of bonding with Layna is showering with her. As you have been told before, Layna has "outgrown" the infant tub because she tries climbing out of it and showering her is difficult, especially when she wants to play and get to everything in the shower. So, Mommy figured it would be a lot easier and less dangerous showering with her little peanut. Because Layna can sit by herself like a professional and is content with a toy, she will sit quietly on a towel (so she doesn't slip and smash her head on the shower floor) while Mommy washes her. Sometimes Layna is so good Mommy can washup with Layna in there, but usually Daddy comes and gets Layna out so Mommy can finish up. Layna is so fun in the shower because she tries to grab for the water whether it is coming out of the shower head, dripping down on Mommy or the shower wall/door, or splashing when hitting the floor.

On a side note, Layna finally got a new stroller. Not a small little umbrella stroller, but a light weight one, which is a little bigger than an umbrella stroller but a lot smaller than the Travel System stroller. Now she gets to ride around in a black Chicco LiteWay stroller. Next on the must get shopping list is a new carseat. Mommy is looking at The First Years (compass) True Fit Convertible Seat... we just got to wait and see....

The family took a little trip to Easton Beach in Newport, Rhode Island. It was a good beach day. It was hot and humid but the breeze cancelled it out. The beach wasn't crowded and the water was warm but the waves were big. Layna loved the water like always, but Mommy couldn't bring her in too far because of the waves. Mommy did dip Layna's feet... legs ... and belly in the water. Layna found the sand when we were sitting on the blanket and would pick it up and let it slip between her fingers and after a minute or two... tried to put it in her mouth. When Mommy and Layna were sitting on the wet sand, Layna did get some sand in her mouth, but Mommy was quick to get it out. The sun wasn't fully out until 1ish and then it started getting really hot. Mommy wanted to walk on the Cliffwalk and show the Layna the Newport Mansions but once the sun came out the heat was unbearable for Mommy and Daddy and we didn't need Layna to become overly hot and cranky. So, we headed home.

Mommy has gotten Layna on a schedule for the passed few days - one that works and as long as Mommy wakes up with Layna early then the schedule is set for the day. No more waking up at 9 or 10. It is time to start waking up and staying up when Layna wakes around 7-8ish. Her schedule goes something like this:

morning bottle somewhere between 4-6
wake up around 8
breakfast (fruit and baby oatmeal) around 8:30
bottle around 10:30
playtime and hanging out for a few hours
nap around 11 for an hour (she needs an hour nap sometime between 11-1)
lunch (fruit and baby oatmeal) around 1
playtime/errands/outings for a few hours
bottle around 2:30
small bottle or snack around 4
an hour or two nap between 4-6
dinner around 5:30-6
shower around 7
evening walk around 7:30
bottle before bedtime
bedtime is usually sometime between 8-9

There seems to be a lot of eating but it works for Layna. There is no need for her to be overly filled from eating solids and a bottle for the same meal, so with an hour separating the two it works. One thing Mommy and Daddy can't be strong enough for, however, is getting Layna to fall asleep on her own. She is sleeping in her crib, but can't sooth herself to sleep. If she doesn't need Daddy walking around with her, she atleast needs to be patted on the butt. We don't mind doing that because we can put her down in the crib and pat her tooshy and skip the transition from us to the crib.

hopefully, there will be a new update soon ! new photos will be added within the next week! Mommy is slacking with the blog because she is enjoying her growing baby before she isn't a baby anymore !