
She gets smarter every day!

Layna is getting smarter every day ! Mommy can't keep up with all the new things she is learning and Mommy is always leaving things out on the blog to share with you all !

Here's a list of more sounds Layna knows and makes:
cow = mooo = mmmmmm
monkey = oo oo a a = a a a
lion = roar = roar (she does it in a deep voice in her throat like mommy does - SO CUTE !

Layna has this little laugh that sounds fake she does. "ha-ha-ha"

Not much is happening lately. Mommy got a part time job, and Layna has been doing well being away from Mommy and with Grandma for the evening. So far, she has been behaving and been a good baby. However, lately, Layna's sleep has been off. She has been waking up more often than usual during the nights. When Mommy puts Layna down to sleep sometimes, when she is still awake after she as finished the bottle, she plays a little and quietly falls asleep. She has learned how to self-sooth and go to sleep peacefully ! yay ! Now only if it could happen during the night !

best Christmas present ever: Layna Elizabeth.
playing in a box from one of her toys on Christmas Eve

Here are a few photos from her birthday celebration with Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux:

Birthday Girl !
Happy First Birthday

stuffing her face
"yummy in my tummy"

any baby would be happy to stay up past bedtime AND eat cake !!
surprisingly she went to bed very easily after opening and playing with presents !


Baptism Photos

Welcome to the Catholic Church,
Layna Elizabeth !

Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux

Layna Elizabeth's Godparents:
Uncle Tim and Ariel

Mommy and Daddy and Baby Girl

with Grandpa Boyce

sharing a moment with Uncle Tim

listening to the Deacon's speech/ceremony
*so angelic*
getting some oil put on her


Welcome to The Church, Layna

Miss Layna Elizabeth, has finally gotten baptized this weekend. Grandpa Boyce, Grandma and Granpa Robidoux, Uncle Tim and his fiance, Ariel were there (Grandma Boyce had to work a double and couldn't make it). The ceremony was nice and the "lecture"/speech the Deacon gave was pleasant. He sang a song, he called it a prayer, and she was mesmerized by him. She cuddled up next to Daddy and couldn't take her eyes off the Deacon. For a baby who skipped her morning nap and was long past due on one, she behaved very well. It must have been all the excitement.

Layna's Godparents are Uncle Tim and Ariel.


photos from December - February

photos from the past few months
(they are out of order)

valentine's day outfit ... that lasted a couple minutes haha

looks so like Baby Dan in this picture !

where's Layna?
she wanted her big blanket

reading in the car
enjoying her birthday cupcake !

she loves chores: swiffering, dusting, laundry, vacuuming, shoveling...

Mommy's favorite sweatshirt doesn't fit anymore

part of sleep training:
fell asleep squatting on a pillow with her face smooshed

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day !

For Valentine's Day weekend, Mommy and Layna head over Daddy's. It was a relaxing weekend with all three of us together. On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy saw The Lion King broadway show at Providence Performing Arts Center aka PPAC. Grandma and Grandpa Boyce babysat Miss Layna for the afternoon. They said she was well-behaved and kept active: going up and down the stairs. She ate most of a Healthy Choice frozen dinner that Grandma Boyce gave her. When Mommy and Daddy came home, Layna was fast asleep in her pack'n'play upstairs in the living room. Mommy's sleep training definitely helped with keeping her anxiety away from Layna down.

Layna has been loving books a lot more lately. She is always looking at them and you can see the wheels turning. She likes to have them for car rides to. Once Mommy, Grandma Robidoux, and Layna were out shopping and Layna would make Mommy read the picture book to her over and over and over from the front seat. Hey, whatever keeps her content and not screaming. :)

Layna is still not liking diaper changes... that's all that needs to be said there.

She tries to put her socks on by herself, but can't yet. She knows the top from the bottom and puts her little fingers in the top, but can't manage to get her toes in it; same goes with shoes. She likes putting Mommy's and Grandma's shoes/slippers on their feet when they are sitting on the couch.

Layna is doing a lot better with eating. Sometimes she is picking... or just not in the mood for what we feed her at the time, which can get frustrating. However, since we stopped giving her baby food or prepared toddler food she has been eating better.

Layna has learned how to go down the stairs safely... on her belly, but she lets herself slide down quickly. She is definitely going to be a risk-taker and like things that get her adrenaline pumping and probably will LOOOVE rollercoaster. (Mommy can't wait to see how she goes up!)

Even though Layna isn't speaking yet, she is learning sounds of things:
(object = sound = Layna's pronounciation
car = vroom vroom = vrm vrm
dog = ruff ruff = arf arf
elephant = = she puts her bottom lip out and blows
bee = bzzzz boink = bzzzzzzz (and a pitch sound)
snake = ssssss = ssssss

(and a couple other things I can't think of right now).


It's Been a Long Cold Month !

It has been a long January with numerous snow storms here in Massachusetts ! Layna and Mommy played in the snow a few times; it was up to Mommy's waist ! Mommy would try to put Layna on the sled but she wasn't having it. Layna's favorite thing to do in the snow: eat it ! After one of the snow storms, Mommy brushed off the cars, which took a while. She bunlded Layna Bayna up and took her outside to play. Layna didn't try running away or running into the street. She just played in the driving knocking the snow off the snow banks and eating snow. She walks good in her snow boots that Uncle Tim and Ariel got her for Christmas.. and does well for being all bundled up !

Mommy and Layna were sick a couple nights ago. Layna had a runny nose which became a stuffy nose and the next morning Mommy woke up with a sore throat and a runny/stuffy nose. Mommy's cold turned into a cough while Layna's just stayed being a runny/stuff nose. It seemed like the illness was going to last forever because Mommy and Layna are always together and their germs were being passed back and forth, or it seemed.

Layna is doing well with her sleep training. She has finally started sleeping longer than 4 hours again. Yay ! And when she does wake up, Mommy gets her a bottle and keeps her in her crib. Layna doesn't fuss, just falls peacefully back to sleep. Now Layna depends on the bottle to fall asleep and her blanket, but getting rid of the bottle will be the next step to Layna's sleep training.

Layna does very well with the spoon and fork, which makes the morning and meal time a little bit easier for Mommy. Layna has become a picky eater over the last few weeks. She won't eat mushed baby food or toddler food. She sometimes eats what us adults are eating but not much. Mommy has been letting Layna eat table foods but will also give her baby cereal with baby food mixed. This has been helping Layna sleep through the night because she is more filled.

Layna isn't really saying any words yet :( However, she is very good and letting us know what she wants. She does this by pointing and say "oooh" or when we tell her "no" she sits down and cries and sometimes will lay on her back and cry. Her babbles include sounds of "na", "oh", "eye", "ma", "mamamama", "baba", "boo" (like in book), "ughh". When Mommy tries to teach Layna a new word or sound, she does watch Mommy's mouth and tries to do it but gives up quickly.

Layna's dance moves have become more "intense". The include: arm waving/flinging, knee bending, foot stomping, clapping, and head nodding. She gets excited when certain songs on the TV come on. Her shows include: Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Imagination Movers, and all their little "shows" in between.

Last week, Layna didn't want her diaper on when she got out of the bath. So she rolled over, stood up on the changing table, and started dancing... naked ! It made Mommy laugh a lot !

This past weekend was Uncle Tim and Ariel's engagement party. Layna behaved very well, and everyone loved her like always !

Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux and Mommy had a little celebration for Layna's first birthday. Layna ate her cake like a lady; making no mess.

Mommy's computer is broken, which is why she hasn't updated the blog. She will try to update it more often and post new pictures shortly !