
It is already half way through May ! Layna has been doing a lot lately including teething some more, climbing on furniture and jumping off it, and getting into everything even more ! She has started her speech therapy a couple weeks ago. She meets with her therapist (Sydney) once a week. Layna is definitely trying to talk, but because she communicates very strongly with non-verbal communication aka signing and Mommy understands her wants, she hasn't started talking yet. Layna knows how to move her mouth and tongue to make certain noises and this is evident when she is making her animal noises and sounds in generally. All Sydney does during the one hour session is play with Layna, and when she talks she is very repetitive and accentuates each letter sound along with signing and trying to teach Layna the signs for things. Her first sign is a fish, which isn't very helpful when she wants something. haha.

This past week, Mommy and Layna have been busy travelling. First we visited Daddy Thursday to Saturday. We were home Saturday to Tuesday. We went back down to Daddy's for the night because Layna had her "1-year" hearing checkup, which she did great at ! And on Wednesday we headed to the Cape to join Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux for their last few days of their vacation.

We had a good time at the Cape and being away for a few days. On Wednesday, we relaxed: went for a walk on the beach and went for a walk on a bike path and got some groceries. On Thursday, we went to the National Seashore near Provincetown. We took Grandpa's truck and we got to drive on the beach in the sand dunes. It was the perfect Cape day ! The sun was out and we were in a very secluded area. Layna behaved pretty well until she had to go into her carseat. She got a little overtired because she didn't take her nap. Who would take a nap when you got perfect beach weather ?! Mommy thinks she started teething at the Cape because she wasn't sleeping well and started to not eat much. On Friday, it was time to head home. We stopped at a little breakfast restaurant near the Cape Cod Canal, and then headed to the canal to go for a bike ride. Afterwards, Layna and Mommy headed to Daddy's for the weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux headed back home.

Mommy and Layna went to Colt State Park in Bristol, RI on Saturday. (Daddy ended up working in the afternoon). We went for a little walk, had a little picnic, enjoyed the warm weather; another perfect day ! On Sunday, Mommy, Layna and Daddy headed to Newport for the afternoon. We walked on the Cliffwalk and had a little picnic. Afterwards, we stopped in Historic Newport and walked around the shops. Layna was overtired and cranky. She never screams and cries in public, but she did this day ! She didn't want to be in the stroller, and she's getting heavy to carry, and she didn't want to walk... finally Mommy put the little monster on her shoulders and she seems quite  content there.

Tomorrow Layna and Mommy are heading into Boston for the day to visit Auntie Libbie !

(photos of the cape will be up soon!)

Oh yea ! Layna has started walking down steps without holding onto anything ! My she is growing !! (along with her hair ... finally !)