
It's been FOREVER - Summer 2011

It has been a VERY VERY VERRRRY long time since last time you all got ending news about Miss Layna. Mommy's computer has been down, and she hasn't been able write anything for you guys. Let's see what I can remember to share with you all:

Layna has been running all over ! She has a mind of her own a is a little michievous child. She has been spending the hot summer days in her little baby pool, and loves every second in the water ! Grandpa took Mommy and Layna to the resevoir down the street to go swimming and Layna enjoyed herself greatly. The second time we went, Mommy brought her baby pool floaty, and Layna loved sitting in it in the water.

Mommy and Layna went to Salisbury Beach with Grandma and Grandpa Robidoux a couple of weeks ago. It was low tide, which made a little wading pool for the little ones. The water was warm and perfect depth for Layna. She just sat in there and splashed and played with her bucket and shovel.

This past weekend, Mommy, Daddy and Layna went to Easton Beach in Newport, and Layna wasn't at all afraid of the waves. She let the water touch her toes and jump right in and sat in the sand while the ocean went in and out.

Going to the playground is getting a little more enjoyable: Layna can walk around, tell us what she whats to do (well show us) and climb up the playground and slide down by herself. You can see how happy and thrilled she is going to the slide; she could do it all day if we let her !

Layna's language/speech is coming along pretty good. She says the last part of words, and tries to repeat works when we say them.
Her words include
trash and splash = "ash"
grass = "ass"
house = "ouse"
out = "ot"
hot = "ot"
ouch = "outch"
and a bunch others such as daddy, papa, hat and wet. In addition, she is starting to say please, thanks/thank you.

Also, she is doing very well with her signing. Her signs include: bye, milk, eat, more, cookies, crackers, hat, baby, bird, banana, apple, and she made her own signs up for ice cream, splash, brush teeth, hot along with noises for certain objects.

Life with Layna is a little easier with these different ways of communicating. :) We think she is almost ready for potty training. She hold her noise either before or after she pees, and sometimes right before or after she poops or farts. So she is becoming aware of the bathroom stuff/signals.

Layna's listening and obeying skills are pretty good even though she will disobey when she wants to. She understands everything that she is told very well also. The other night, Daddy and Mommy took Layna out to eat, and she was a perfect angel. In playgroup, one of the other mommy's said to order the kid's food rigth away and bring a lot of stuff to keep them busy. Mommy ordered Laynas meal right away, but we went to the restuarant before she would be hungry and tired.

Layna mimmicks everything everyone does whether is is right away or some random time. They say babies take in everything, learn quickly, grow and develop quickly, and are absolutely amazing and all of above is true. Layna impresses and amazes Mommy every single day !

(I know I promised some photos, but due to the lack of computer access, I can't put them up right now. Hopefully soon! Keep checking back and hopefully next update will be a lot sooner than this one was !)