
i love seeing her go on her tiptoes to reach for things !

Here are a couple new springs photos of Miss Layna for you to enjoy. Layna is speaking, talking, and actually having conversations and telling stories. For Easter, they had a bunny brought into Layna's daycare, and she told me all about it: "sit, bunny, touch, soft, cuddle, bunny, cheese (which means photo)." So, if you couldn't figure it out, they had her sit down to pet the bunny, and they took a photo of her with the bunny. She does this on a daily basis. Today Daddy's parents brought over Layna's Easter basket, and awhile after they left. She told me "papa... paa-sit (present)... bubbles." There were bubbles in the basket.

Her language and conversations have sky rocket since daycare started, and I am sad to say that she will be leaving there. Mommy and Layna are moving back to Marlborough unfortunately. If Mommy can find and job or go to school,  hopefully Layna will be able to get into a daycare up there. She loves the teachers and kids at the daycare she is at now, so hopefully I'll be able to find a similar one.

this jumpy thing at the mall. she insisted to go on it.
age requirement - check.
weight requirement - check.

she was SO high and LOOVED it !!

she calls this "ashes" because it goes in a circle and it plays the tune of ring-around-a-rosie.
she started calling it "ashes" when Aunt Nicole sang it to her.

brought her blanket, pillow, and a couple books in the closet to nap.

Layna wanted to pour her cereal into the bowl herself.... and this is what happens when
I'm in the other room.... at least none of it is on the floor.

trying on her new dress - so pretty !

checking her planner in the car lol

yea she has her moments.

before heading to school looking so cutee !