
Boston Weekend Getaway

This past weekend Layna and Mommy went into Boston with Aunt Slavka ("cha cha"), Auntie Rose, Cousin Connor and Baby (cousin) Lily. We went to Quincy Market for lunch, rode the new carousel in Boston, and visited all the fish and sea creatures at the New England Aquarium. The next morning, the little ones went swimming with Slavka and Auntie Rose while Mommy took a walk to Dunkin's with Lily to get her coffee. Layna loooooves the water and swimming. Both her and conner were happy little fish using the kick boards. After swimming, showering, and packing up we headed to North Reading to meet up with Teddy: Connor and Lily's half brother.

Layna behaved great, and marked her territory right in front of the seals' tank. hahaha.
(Here are some photos, hopefully I can grab some other from Slavka !)

waiting for Mommy to get tickets for the Carousel
(wearing the dress Mommy made for her!)
Mommy and Layna right before her accident!
(potty training is not fun for a busy day in the city)

Cousin dinner date in the hotel room !
I have never seen these  two sit and eat so well before. It could've
been the fact that if they were done eating it was time for bed too.


Splash Pad !

Layna and Mommy had a busy day today. We had some appointments and things to do, and this afternoon we went to the splash pad at the park. Last year, Layna ran right into the water and loved it, but today she was hesitant at first. There were a lot of people and kids there, but after a few minutes she  started running, splashing, and playing in the water.


First Day of Summer 2012

Is it really already summer ?! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything. Layna has been changing so much! I really thought I posted in May. It must have not been published or even saved. Anyways, a good amount has been happening.

Layna and Mommy have moved back to Gram's and Papa's once again. I am not going to talk about it much because this is about Layna and positivity, but Daddy is "away" and Mommy lost her job. She almost had things in place, but it was a little too late. So, Mommy is officially considered single parent and will be going to court to get full custody of Layna until things are looking better. Layna does miss Daddy a lot. She talks about him every day. She will get into her little red and yellow car and tell me she's leaving to go see Daddy. Or she will pretending to talk on the phone to Daddy. She has asked me "where's my Daddy?" a few times, which breaks my heart. What am I supposed to say? Besides those little moments, she is doing ok.

Layna is pretty whiney child and always wants her way. She has done good with timeouts since I have introduced Time Out. We are working on her middle of the night "snacks": her want for milk in the middle of the night. I give her water for bed, and sometimes she asks for milk during the night and other times she accepts the water. Naps are a different story. She prefers not to take them, which I think just means two things 1) shes out growing them a little bit and 2) she needs some majoy physical activity to be tired enough for a nap.

 Another thing we are working that goes along with the No Milk At Night rule is sippy cups. She kind of uses them as a bottle and carries it around the house. So, sippy cups are used for outside or when we are out. If she wants a drink she can have it from a cup, sitting at the table, and has to leave it in the kitchen.

Potty training is still a work in progress. She won't tell me when she has to go still, but as long as I am mindful about the time and drinks, we don't have accidents. When she has undies on, she does well with holding her pee in. I know this because we dont have accidents when we are out and in the car, and she'll go right away when I put her on the toilet. Also, when she has a diaper on, it gets filled pretty quickly ! So, we will just keep undies on except for naptime and bedtime.

We have been spending at least one day with Kaitlin and Aislyn - usually Fridays, which is a breather for the Mommies. The girls can entertain each other, and Kait and I get a break while we chat and do whatever. Once we were over, and Mike (Aislyns Dad) gave a piece of cheese to Layna, and she said "thanks Daddy" to him. haha. Back to the girls, they get along great unless they are cranky and everything is "mine". They understand to share but sometimes don't mind it's definition.

I will try to post more frequently and put up some posts!
It was like 90* here and hopefully everyone is staying cool!

Happy Summer!